
Jan 6th 2021

 In our country has been a sad year ,  with Covid 19 virus also  racial issues with the police and unarmed Afro- Americans.    To top it all off the United States Capital building was attacked by riots and domestic Terrorists ironically calling themselves Patriots.   The group of people in support of President Donald Trump. In a rally he suggested that people march to the Capital build and "Take back of country"   he warned them for not be weak but use force.  President Elect Joe Biden urged the currently President to use you words with caution not to rally the worst in people but the best in the them.   But to demand and end to this siege.   I personally think this has one of of the worst things our generation had to watch happen unfolding on live TV.   I definitely see a bias in our country if they were Afro- Americans this event would have been a massacre. When  Afro- Americans peacefully protest against police brutality there was a lot more security and National Guards ca

Feeling this song.

Listen to Alessia Cara - Here by MarcItOrange #np on #SoundCloud

open BOOK about friendships

I say just to say that couple of months ago I lost someone I thought was a good friend only to realize that this person wasn't that great of a friend after all. She text message me talking negative about me but sent it to me. I decided that at the moment I couldn't trust her. I feel bad for her because she knows just how much of a good friend I was to her. I was present at the birth of her son and many other times we needed each other. But when you think your FRIEND. Is backstabbing you it HURTS. I will get over the it. BUT I just hope that this person doesn't tell my personal business I have shared with her to other ppl. This would only add salt to an open wound. I have learned to TRUST NO ONE> I have been through to much in my life to continue to trust ppl that aren't worthy.  I would have never done this to her. If so I would have to BALLS to apologize.  With this being said.  I let it go TODAY with no GRUDGE against her just knowing the relationship will NEVER BE


Once U stop putting excuses to your own SUCCESS, U start making the RIGHT DECISIONS that will lead U to where U really WANT to GO! # success

Janet Jackson - You Want This, Alright, Miss You Much & Nasty (Up Close ...


fly on the wall

I'm in Starbucks listening to this young girl on the phone taking about a guy that she is involved with that is being physically abusive to her I wish I could turn around and talk to her. I just pray that she is getting the help she needs to get out of this situation. 