
Showing posts from January 16, 2011

Love thy Brother

As I look at the Oprah Show on Racism I look back at the times when people had to learn how to live like how God wants us to live in peace and harmony with each other. I know Dr. Martin Luther King works helped to make things better for ALL people and we have so much further to go.  Racism is still alive today. The question is will it ever go away.  ONLY in heaven.  As long as we live on this earth people will continue to hate. It's just said that we do it to each other as African American's people.  I 'm choose to LOVE and to speak life into people's lives I 'm a teacher and I hope the children I teach daily learn tolerance.  My niece is bia-racial she never looked at herself as anything but a human being.  NO one ever told her this she just started saying one day when people asked what she was mixed with she would only say.  With her BIG Brown eyes and long silky hair.  "I'm BROWN."   I would leave it like that.  Music inspired by Chrisette Michele 

Love Me Just ME

I'm just me , just plain ol' me Not much expensive clothes or fancy jewelry I may not look like a fashion model with long hair or exotic eyes. But love me for what I am dark brown skin and almond shaped eyes. tall and slim legs and firm thick thighs. Love me for inside my heart which knows how to care and share, listen and always be there by your side. I'm naturally nappy but I'm oh so happy you see cus , I love me.  A BEAUTIFUL STRONG BLACK QUEEN.  

You're life isn't falling apart.

You're life isn't falling apart. God is rebuilding it, to make you stronger and wiser.Church was awesome today I'm just recently getting over a break-up or a relationship and longtime friendship.  I'm learning about me and trying to fix other people's problems and not focusing enough on my own.  I have such a given and forgiven heart that I forgive people for the things that happen in the past. This story started with a journal in my notebook when I was only 15 years old. I asked this guy named JC to go with me to a debutante ball to be my escort as a JUST as friend not a date when I asked him he was glad but as the weeks went on he started to date a girl that didn't want him to go. I told him it was cool and I took another date. But later in life we found each other and he said that he wish that he would have went with me to this event.  It was cool just it happen so long ago. We hung out again as friends it was cool to have him around again.  This meeting hap

This is my NEW blog spot

This is my new blog spot about me and things in my life. relationship, fashion and fun stuff. I'm a very loving person . This is my place to Let FREEDOM REIGN.  I've been told that I talk too much Well I'm talking but in my writing now.   I'm a GOD-fearing woman that strive to give and be the best I can be. My soul is Strong.  I am committed to be successful.  No one can stop my faith. I thought I was weak, he kept me strong. (1Peter 5:7)