
Showing posts from January 10, 2021

Jan 6th 2021

 In our country has been a sad year ,  with Covid 19 virus also  racial issues with the police and unarmed Afro- Americans.    To top it all off the United States Capital building was attacked by riots and domestic Terrorists ironically calling themselves Patriots.   The group of people in support of President Donald Trump. In a rally he suggested that people march to the Capital build and "Take back of country"   he warned them for not be weak but use force.  President Elect Joe Biden urged the currently President to use you words with caution not to rally the worst in people but the best in the them.   But to demand and end to this siege.   I personally think this has one of of the worst things our generation had to watch happen unfolding on live TV.   I definitely see a bias in our country if they were Afro- Americans this event would have been a massacre. When  Afro- Americans peacefully protest against police brutality there was a lot more security and National Guards ca