
Showing posts from 2012

open BOOK about friendships

I say just to say that couple of months ago I lost someone I thought was a good friend only to realize that this person wasn't that great of a friend after all. She text message me talking negative about me but sent it to me. I decided that at the moment I couldn't trust her. I feel bad for her because she knows just how much of a good friend I was to her. I was present at the birth of her son and many other times we needed each other. But when you think your FRIEND. Is backstabbing you it HURTS. I will get over the it. BUT I just hope that this person doesn't tell my personal business I have shared with her to other ppl. This would only add salt to an open wound. I have learned to TRUST NO ONE> I have been through to much in my life to continue to trust ppl that aren't worthy.  I would have never done this to her. If so I would have to BALLS to apologize.  With this being said.  I let it go TODAY with no GRUDGE against her just knowing the relationship will NEVER BE